Un terzo del pianeta potrebbe vivere in condizioni di calore pari a quelle del deserto del Sahara entro il 2070
A third of the planet could live in heat conditions equal to those of the Sahara desert by 2070
The details of a scientific study published in LifeGate suggest that almost a fifth of the Earth’s climate will be characterized by unbearable heat in 50 years, unless we take urgent action.
The results of the American scientific journal Proceedings of National Academy of Science (Pnas) suggest that the average temperature could rise by 3 degrees and in some areas, this figure could reach 7.5 if no improvements are made to climate change. This change could cause 3.5 billion people to live in too hot an environment for humans.
By 2070, living in warm places like the Sahara desert could be the reality for a third of the population and will lead to the abandonment of lands that have benefited from the climatic niche in the past 6,000 years.
If the nation avoids the protection of our planet and makes few attempts to prevent the world from living in hot conditions like in the Sahara desert, then we will not be able to enjoy our delightful green gardens.
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