Education Pack
We have produced an Education Pack, designed to help pupils engage with the hidden dangers of petrol-powered tools. We created the lessons to support the lessons you have already planned, and it’s linked to the Key Stage 2 national curriculum.

The Education Pack includes lesson ideas and resources for teaching about climate change to Key Stage 2 pupils. Lessons are designed to help students understand air pollution, its dangers, and its causes. The lesson plans, interactive slides and activity sheets help your pupils use creative thinking and problem solving to eliminate the fictional villain, Smoggy!
The Education Pack includes climate change activities for primary school which have been mapped against the KS2 Art, Science and English national curriculums, allowing pupils to learn about air pollution while contributing to their wider development.

Why is it important to teach about climate change in schools?
Teach children vital lessons about climate change from a young age can equip them with the knowledge required to have a positive impact on the environment in the future. With rising carbon emissions and increased air and noise pollution, especially in our cities, children are the most vulnerable to poor air and noise quality.
Despite schools introducing green measures on their premises, many grounds are still maintained by high-emission petrol tools including lawnmowers and hedge trimmers. Research published in The Report found that the UK’s most popular leaf blower produces more harmful emissions than the average car, posing a danger to people’s health on school sites and beyond.
Education Pack Preview

Get the pack
By downloading the pack below, you can help inspire children to build a cleaner, quieter and safer future equipped with the knowledge that air and noise pollution currently represent to their futures.